I am back.think of next 15 days...hahahha. My special day.. HOliday is also so boring..wat is wrong with humans. when it is school,i always wan it to be holiday.when it comes to holiday,i wan to go school. ARRGGGhHHH. ok.since i having nothing to do in this holiday... i shall help my father and go out...
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:47 AM
Friday, July 10, 2009
heelloooo,people.... ok.... i am bored.... very.... so, today we did oral pratice for english.... well,i was choosen to read out... ok,tis the part where it is stupid.... the paper have a sentence, OHHHHHOOOOOOMMMMMM. i was like,wat or how am i goin to say the sentence... then,i was like oooooooooooooooooo.... till my teacher ask me to stop.... i was like.... but,goin to skool is fun...lol... i am not crazy.... it is really fun....
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:30 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009
Bored..zzz... school sucks,so many hw to do...zzz... well,at least i get to play basketball this comin monday.... wan to go out and meet my workin friends... but hiazz....H1N1.... damn.... Guys,let plan to go out again.... pls.... i am bored....
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:10 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
this guy is seriously not bad....
his hair is damn cool....lol....i am not lying....may consider to cut his hair style.....aiyo...seriously not bad....song also not bad....but jay chou is better...
well today,got nothing to do.....listening to song while typing the blog....erm,nothing to say le...hahahah...
the sun is round,the earth is huge,the grass is green,shihui face is round....(p.s:i am being random....sorri..the discussion we have yesterday....lol....)
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:28 AM
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yesterday,woke up at 9, Went swimming with Yam,melvin,mrshahril.... Also went for movies... Ok,after tat,when to orchard.... Well,u kNowwat we do, while mrshahrill is havin some anniversary crap, We went to toy'r'us... We took the toy sword,wack each other, Like lightsaber,it is damn cool... LOL.... Of course,got scoldin from the staff there.... well,we went out and went in to the shop again... Then,haha,we saw a ball, like wat we do,of course kick la.... then..swey,swey, the staff saw us again the scold us... haha..... then,went back home.....
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:00 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Omg,i suddenly got the urged to go out with my working friend.... Ahhhhhh..... Today jus went out with them... Wanted to go east coast but, Haha,cannot find the bus to there then,forget about it.... Went to TM to watch movie...some how forgotten the movie tittle... But, the Movie really damn funny.... CAnt wait for the next outing..... Holiday endin... zzz..... Hahaha,goin out with them can really laught till u cry..... Omg....Fiona,the best la.... Laught untill face damn red.... tat all. bb....
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 8:56 AM
Monday, June 15, 2009
yo people, Today don not nid to work.... So stay at home to do homework.... zzz.... Wednesday,goin to pula ubin.. thursday,east coast with the frienf i jus know..... Btw,when working, Melvin ask all the M1 girls for hp number..... All the girls working with him also he wan..... Damn funny.... Saw 15 turban at the pc show..... some even come in group... Sorri no offence.... But it is true.... kk... bb..
aaron screamed "JAY ROX!!" at 9:45 AM
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